Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Campaign Finance Comm v. Riedemann

Nov. 18 Update FYI:

You might recall the November 2013 Kennesaw City Council election where Matt Riedemann ran for 're-election' after serving six controversial months as a Mathews apointee to the seat of a deceased Councilman Bill Thrash. 

The below letters are not about the original allegations, the letter is about his lack of filing the required 2012 Personal Financial Disclosure Statement. 

The matter comes up 12/10/14 at 10 a.m. for a hearing to consider an agreed Consent Order.  The meeting is open to the public.  Ya'all come now!

We await additional information on the original Oct. 2013 complaint. 

Details on the Riedemann issue and other election items can be found at: also


March 31, 2014

Ms. Rebecca Keaton
Clerk of Superior Court
70 Haynes St.
P.O. Box 3370
Marietta, GA. 30061



Dear Ms Keaton and/or Records Request Officer:

Pursuant to the Georgia Open Records Act § 50.18.70 et seq, I request access to and copies of:  American Express v Riedemann case 13-1-8532-48 I request copies of the following three documents:

Document #9 an AFFIDAVIT dated 02/17/2014 (17 pages)

Document #11 a JUDGMENT DEFAULT dated 03/18/2014 (unknown number of pages)

Document #12 a GEN DV DISPO FORM dated 03/18/2014 (unknown number of pages)

I agree to pay reasonable duplication fees for the processing of this request which I understand is ten cents per page.  However, I would also like to request a waiver of all fees in that the disclosure of the requested information is in the public interest and will contribute significantly to the public’s understanding of municipal candidate Mr. Riedemann.  As a Citizen Journalist covering municipal elections in Cobb County the request is related to news gathering purposes and is not being sought for commercial purposes.

If my request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the act.

Thank you for your assistance.

William Harris
Kennesaw, Ga 30156


AmExp v. Riedemann, Round 2

Former Councilman M. Riedemann
Former Councilman M. Riedemann

Patch readers, those few left, might recall the November 2013 Kennesaw City Council election where Matt Riedemann ran for 're-election' after serving six controversial months as a Mathews apointee to the seat of a deceased Councilman Bill Thrash.

A laundry list of things came out regarding him and his checkered financial past.

One thing was an American Express suit which was reported but a second suit by Zwicker & Associated PC, representing American Express, was filed in the closing weeks of the race  got scant notice.


Probably this was because the candidate was so damaged that any 're-election' was unlikely.

In the second go around for AmExp, they now have a pending Default for $107,377.34 on the unanswered claim.

Some documents can be found online at Cobb Superior Court web site or at: , the 17 page Zwicker affidavit is not available online.

Riedemann's appointment to the Post 4 seat was made over many objections that the site should have gone to the widow of the deceased Councilman Thrash, to serve out his term, but in order to buttress his own political agenda the Mayor instead gave the seat to Riedemann who lost it a few months later to new candidate, Debra Williams, by nearly 400 votes, tallying 1,142 to Riedemann's 757.

The 2013 Council election ended Mayor Mathews hold on the City Council and all 3 standing Councilmen were removed from office with 2 new people and a former Mayor taking their seats.

Additional Kennesaw info is at:


From Certification of Default below:

". . . this case remains in default; that this case is not one ex delicto and does not involve unliquidated damages.  The unpaid principal amount owed is $107,108.84, plus costs in the amount of $268.50, for a balance of $107,377.34."